I'm back.

She lurches forward, right foot, left foot. The soil feels damp against her bare toes, sky blue and bare of clouds. It’s exhilarating, seeing the world so vast. Seeing the endless brown plains, how it stretches beyond the hills ahead. Suddenly everything feels small, she feels small. Still, she braves herself to continue onwards, step by step. One step, leaving her problems behind. Another step, leaving her past behind. Another step, and another. Until no one can see her anymore.

Greetings, folks. 

It's been a while since I last posted something here. That little paragraph just now was something I wrote when I was feeling lost to the world, when I felt so small and when it felt so easy to just vanish. How it would feel so wonderful to just let myself go and forget about everything. 

Well, time flows and things changed. I've learned new things and my worldview has changed so much. I've met a lot of new people, a lot of very nice ones and also the not-so-nice ones. I would always think that we meet these people for a reason, you know. Meeting nice people so that we could learn how to be kind not just to others, but to ourselves as well. Meeting the bad ones are just to challenge ourselves; can we still be kind and mature even when facing with badness? I don't even know if badness is a word or not heh. But yeah, I'm sure you get what I mean. 

Anyways, these people gave me a reason to stay. Maybe this is the reason I exist? To just belong somewhere, learn new stuffs, love others and to love myself. I used to think that I have to do something larger and more in order for my existence to be worth it, like contributing to the society and save lives etc. But apparently, it's this simple. You don't have to push yourself too hard, just be who you are, learn and explore life. Just keep moving forward, improve yourselves and there would always be somewhere that you'll belong. In the end, I don't regret writing that, because it serves as a reminder of how far I've come and it feels wonderful. 

Well, to anyone reading this, I wish you will have a great day ahead. I love you! 


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